Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another step complete: The website is up!

Our website is nearly complete. You can see it at Even though I'm pretty good at building websites, it took longer than I thought. Oh well, I guess everything does.

The purpose of the website is to allow existing clients and potential clients to find answers to their questions about our in-home care servicse. Hopefully we did a good job at getting that information online and making it easy to find.

Yesterday, my wife and I visited some senior apartments and skilled nursing centers in Anaheim and Fullerton and left behind our brochures.

We also visited the Orange County Office on Aging to get advice on continuing education and training for our employees. I recommend this office as a great resource for seniors. The staff is very helpful. They understand what facilities are available to assist seniors, and what benefits are available through Medicare, Medi-Cal and other programs. They are also up-to-date with pending legislative items affecting seniors. (You can visit their website by clicking on their name in this paragraph.) While there we picked up an application to do be included in their referral database. Hopefully these referrals can help us build our client base.

When you are starting this kind of business, the up-front fixed monthly costs are difficult to manage and make it difficult to grow. Insurance is the biggest, then payroll service is next. We're doing our best to manage, but look forward to having enough clients to provide income to pay these fixed costs so we can operate in the black.

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